The ENT ST3 Interview Boot Camp
The ENT ST3 Interview Boot Camp
13 and 14 February 2025
A unique intensive two-day course with group practice and realistic mock interviews
For 2026 course: due to high demand, this course is not available for public registration or wait listing until 1 September 2025.
The Eighth ENT ST3 Interview Boot Camp 2025: A two-day intensive course for ENT ST3 national selection interviews. The focus is on small-group workshops with plenty of opportunity for in-depth practice and critique. If National Selection 2025 remains virtual, the course will mirror the format of the interview as closely as possible. The course is aimed at those in the mid-to-later stages of interview preparation and assumes that candidates have done some revision on common clinical, management and communication skills scenarios and themes.
Day One: Seminars, small group workshops, feedback in a supportive environment, tips for success, personal experiences.
Day Two: Realistic mock interviews (see one and do one). There will be professional medical actors (if applicable), multiple assessors as well as 'lay representatives' to create a realistic environment. There will be both verbal and written feedback.
Tutors will include those recently successful at national selection; mock interview assessors will include consultants and post-CCT fellows.
Previous candidate feedback –
"I would recommend this course to others" mean score (32 candidates) = 6.8 out of 7
"Excellent course. Best interview course so far. Good value for money."
"Mock interview very realistic (made me nervous - this is good)"
"Very organised, realistic stations, good number of assessors on both days"
"Very well organised; faculty very approachable and friendly"
"Small numbers + well informed faculty + willing to teach"
"Brilliant mock interviews"
"Well organised; amazing experience"
We are offering 24 candidate places (both days) for those attending National Selection 2025
CANDIDATES (both days)
To be announced
NOTE: If any surplus is generated from our courses, ExcellENT (a charity) uses this to support ENT education through prizes and grants, and by funding projects such as All trustees, course organisers and tutors are unpaid volunteers.
Refund & Cancellation Policy: Until 1200 on 19 December 2024, attendees may cancel for a 90% refund. Their place will be offered to the next person on the course waiting list. There is no option to defer since this is an annual course.
After 1200 on 19 December 2024, no refunds are available. These rules allow us to provide viable courses with high tutor-attendee ratios at a reasonable cost.
If we are forced to cancel the course either because of low uptake or because of circumstances beyond our control, we will contact attendees at the earliest possible time (usually at least four weeks before the course). If we are forced to cancel a course, attendees will be given a full refund less any fees that the payment processing service may charge, but we are not liable for other costs they may have incurred.
Privacy Policy: We will only use your contact details to tell you about other courses or educational opportunities we may have. We will never sell your information to a third party. Your payment details are transmitted securely to the payment processing service and are never revealed to us. Should you wish to unsubscribe from any email list, please email
13 and 14 February 2025 -
Mr Andrew Lau, ENT Consultant
Mr Todd Kanzara, ENT Consultant
Mr Tom Hampton, ENT Registrar/PhD student
Miss Hannah Emerson, ENT Registrar
Miss Sarah Dawes, ENT Registrar
Miss Lepa Lazarova, ENT Consultant
Miss Mila Roode, ENT Registrar
Miss Ayla Tabaksert, ENT Registrar
Miss Rachael Collins, ENT Registrar
Mr Ding Yang, ENT Registrar
Mr Sunil Sharma, ENT Consultant
Mr Woo-Young Yang, ENT Consultant
Mr Andy Kinshuck, ENT Consultant
Mr Richard Siau, Otology Fellow
Mr Arshad Zubair, ENT Registrar
Mr Kristijonas Milinis, ENT Registrar
Mr Nathan Walker, ENT Registrar
Mr Dave Selwyn, ENT Registrar
Mr Jake Duffin, ENT Registrar
Mr Matt Zammit, ENT Registrar
Mr Tim Davies, ENT Registrar